
Dental Implants in Hamilton

Dr. Agnieszka Jarecka has a comfortable, long-term solution for missing teeth

When you’re missing teeth — or have just a single missing tooth — it can negatively affect your appearance, your self-esteem and your general health. It can keep you from smiling in photographs, from feeling comfortable in social situations, and from eating your favourite foods.

Dr. Agnieszka Jarecka is proud to offer dental implants at Smile Dental Practice in Hamilton. Dental implants are a solution that can boost your confidence and improve your overall health.

When you’re missing a tooth, the surrounding teeth will shift position in an attempt to fill the gap, and your jawbone can break down. This may change your appearance and cause you to look older. A denture doesn’t prevent the jawbone from breaking down, because it just sits on the surface.

If you are missing a tooth — or missing multiple teeth — the team at Smile Dental Practice can use dental implants in Hamilton to help restore your smile.

A dental implant is a small titanium screw that replaces the missing root and functions like a tooth root. The implant is integrated into your jawbone for a long-lasting, secure restoration. A crown is then attached to the implant, giving you the look of a natural tooth. Dental implants can also be used to secure a denture, preventing it from shifting in your mouth.

If you are missing teeth, contact Dr. Agnieszka Jarecka today to learn more about the ease and comfort of dental implants in Hamilton.

FAQs — Click question to reveal answer

Q: How many appointments are required in order to get a dental implant, or multiple dental implants?
A: On the first visit, we secure the implants into your jawbone. It takes time for the implants to fully integrate into the one, so the next visit takes place several months later. We take impressions so that our lab can begin making your custom crowns. During that third and final visit, we attach your final crowns and reveal your new smile — that’s our favourite part!
Q: Am I too old to be considered a candidate for dental implants?
A: Almost anyone missing a tooth (or multiple teeth) is a candidate for dental implants – age is not a factor. You just need to have enough bone to support an implant. Contact Dr. Agnieszka Jarecka today to book a free consultation to see if you're a candidate for dental implants.
Q: Does my dental insurance cover dental implants?
A: It depends on your coverage. We would be happy to help you understand your available coverage, so please ask us at your next appointment.